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名称:中国薏米 (生) 重量:500g Name of Product: Chinese Barley (Raw) Weight: 500g 珍珠薏米 / 洋薏米 / 荷兰薏米: - 珍珠薏米较容易煮熟,味道也较好,因此普遍被接受。 - 有健脾开胃的功效,性甘温、可消食、下气、回乳, - 但营养价值(包括粗蛋白、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、维生素和矿物质)都没有大薏仁来的好。 若想清热祛湿,应选的是中国薏仁。 中国薏米(生): - 颜色偏白,有清热利水、美白消肿、祛湿排毒的功效,但性较寒凉一点,经期中和怀孕中的女性不宜喝多。 夏季气候较湿热,直接选购生薏仁就可,或者是生熟各半。有的人容易拉肚子,则可选用熟薏仁。 熟薏米: - 熟的,也称“炒薏仁”,它是以生薏仁用小火炒至微鼓起、表面淡黄,略有焦香时取出,去掉了生薏仁中的寒,健脾的效果较好。 Pearl Barley / Holland Barley: - Pearl barley is easier to cook and taste better, so it is acceptable by most people. - It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and improve appetizing, sweet and warm in nature, can digest food, lower qi. - Nutritional value is not as good as Chinese Barley. - If you want to clearing damp, you should choose Chinese barley. Chinese Barley (Raw): - It is white in color and has the effects of clearing heat and damp, whitening and reducing swelling, removing dampness and detoxifying, but it is cold to body. Women who are menstruating or pregnant should not drink too much. - In summer, the weather is hot and humid, so you can use raw barley to cook as drink or soup directly, or you can mix raw and cooked barley. Some people who are prone to diarrhea, have to choose cooked barley. Cooked Barley: - Cooked barleyalso known as "stir-fried barley", are made by frying raw barley with low heat until slightly puffed up, the surface is light yellow / white, and taken out when it is slightly burnt. The cold in the raw barley has been removed, and the effect of invigorating the spleen is better. 薏米仁,又叫苡米或薏米,一般在菜市场或者超市就可以买到。下面通过几点来认识薏米仁: 1、薏米仁具有抗癌作用。在日本,薏米被看成典型的抗癌食品,这是因为薏米中的薏米酯、亚油酸是非常重要的抗癌成分,还能减轻肿瘤患者放化疗的毒副作用。临床上一般建议肿瘤患者用生薏米仁30克50克,加水适量浸泡34小时后煮熟食用,每日2次,连食数月就能起到比较明显的治疗效果。 2、薏米仁营养丰富。现代研究表明,薏米仁是非常有营养的食物,其中蛋白质的含量比米、面高出很多,还含有人体必需的8种氨基酸。 3、薏米仁帮助人们增强免疫力。妈妈们可以多吃薏米仁可以及时补充夏季高温下的体力消耗,起到增强免疫力的作用。 4、薏米仁具有健脾的功效。脾胃不好的人夏天常常感到食欲不振、消化能力减退,中医认为,薏米仁具有健脾、补肺、清热、利湿的作用,而且特别容易消化吸收,是很好的食疗食物,适合脾胃虚弱者食用。 5、薏米仁是美容圣品。薏米仁中的薏苡素可以抑制横纹肌,是天然的养颜去皱佳品。由于脾胃两虚而导致颜面多皱、面色晦暗的人,建议用薏米仁与山药、大枣、小米一起煮粥喝,或将薏米炒熟后研末冲服。 6、薏米仁具有化湿滑利的功效。由于薏米仁化湿滑利的效果显着,因此遗精、遗尿患者以及孕妇不宜食用。

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